Hawthorn Hill Poultry
Kathy Stevenson

Hawthorn Hill Poultry
Central Alberta, Canada
Raising quality, standard-bred poultry for
conservation and exhibition is my favorite pastime, and this website is my way of promoting this great hobby!

Well bred flocks of chickens are a cherished part of North American farming history. Up until about 1950, these were the fowl that fed families while bringing color and delight to the farmyard. But the old breeds represent far more than a sentimental reminder of simpler times. They are still the ideal choice for the modern homesteader whose primary goal is home-grown meat and fresh, nutritious eggs. The other priceless benefit is self-sufficiency, meaning the freedom to maintain flocks by producing replacement chickens of consistent quality.
Since my goal is to continually improve my flocks I don't operate as a commercial business or hatchery. I don't sell hatching eggs or chicks, but breeding stock is occasionally available.
American Poultry Association
Master Exhibitor #891
Looking for more details about my breeding program? Check out the FAQ section
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